Westerville has defined environmental stewardship as one of its core values. This value drives the City's commitment to treating the natural environment with care and respect while promoting a sustainable lifestyle for today and generations to come.

Westerville remains firmly committed to the preserving the natural environment while actively integrating green practices into our physical footprint.

The department is dedicated to the protection of wetlands, floodplain, woodlots, ravines and other natural corridors to ensure; availability of wildlife habitat, water quality and public access for both enjoyment and education.

  • Westerville has 166 acres of designated greenways, 42 acres of wetlands and 31 acres of open water. An additional 60 acres of park land has been recently acquired for the purpose of recreation and conservation.

  • Greenways and natural resource areas were created where current public space has natural preservation as a central function. Other local properties with significant preservation value have been identified for potential acquisition if they become available. 
  • Many of the preservation sites in Westerville contain interpretive signage to provide educational information for visitors and more nature-related programming.

Alum Creek Park North
Astronaut Grove
Boyer Nature Preserve
Hannah Mayne Park
Heritage Park
Highlands Park
Hoff Woods Park
Metzger Park
Millstone Creek Park
Otterbein Lake
Westerville Sports Complex